Friday, May 3, 2013

The Best Way To Make Money With The Wireless and App Industry

Gotta love options right? Sometimes options become overwhelming as is the case with the wireless and app industry. Right now there are so many choices. If you're looking for the best way to make money with either of these industries, or both - then HOPEFULLY we can help!

I got involved with a company several months back, that allowed me to make money in the wireless industry. Initially I signed up to save money on my own cell phone bill - making money helping others do the same was secondary. I had respect for the person that introduced me to this wireless company - and was impressed with the company itself.

I could tell they invested real money into making this a real company.

Don't fall for the wireless companies that are barely investing any money into the business they are operating; a business like that may not be in operation for long.

This is what stood out in a simple app based business that recently came out a few months ago - I could tell money was being invested; while other 'app based businesses' that have already come and gone, clearly had very little money invested.

This should be the first thing you and I look for when looking for the best way to make money in these two industries; We cannot make money with a company that won't invest in itself.

Two companies seem to blend real well together.

They are Solavei - for those interested in making money from the exploding wireless market -

The other is iLA - inspired living app - for those of you who want to make money with apps.

Much more information can be reviewed by checking out these articles below!

Is There A Real Opportunity For Marketers here?
How You Can Make Money With Solavei and The App Market
Make Money With Apps Video Commentary

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